Photo de Monsieur Philip Ware

Philip Ware

Décédé le 14 septembre 2024 à l'âge de 81 ans
Photo de Monsieur Philip Ware
Philip Ware
Décédé le 14 septembre 2024 à l'âge de 81 ans


Crématorium du Lauragais
23-25 Chemin du Pastel
31290 Villefranche-de-Lauragais
mercredi 18 septembre 2024 à 13h00

Message de la famille

Philip Ware, beloved husband, father and grandfather, died on Saturday, September 14, 2024 in

Villefranche-de-Lauragais. Philip was born on October 21, 1942 in Dallas, Texas to Charles Raymond Ware and Cora Abigail Clements. His father worked for Sun Oil company and his mother worked for a time in a dress shop before staying home to raise her two boys.

Philip attended North Texas University and met his wife, Ruth Ernestine Winchester Ware in 1963 in Dallas. They relocated to Knoxville, Tennessee and then to Durham, North Carolina, before relocating to France in 2017 to be near their only daughter, Judith Winchester Ware.

Loved for his sense of humour and charm, Philip, had a career in insurance and as a professional bowler on the senior PBA tour. He always shared his kindness and good spirits with friends and family.

A memorial ceremony will take place on Wednesday, September 18th at noon in Villefrance-de-Lauragais.

Un service de plantation d’arbre hommage est disponible ici.


Déroulé des obsèques

  • 1


    Crématorium du Lauragais
    23-25 Chemin du Pastel
    31290 Villefranche-de-Lauragais
    Le mercredi 18 septembre 2024 à 13h00
  • 2

    Inhumation d'urne

    Rue du Colonel Gendreau
    31320 Castanet-Tolosan
    Le mercredi 18 septembre 2024 à 16h30

Rendez hommage à M. WARE

Plantez un arbre du souvenir

Arbre du sourvenir
volunteer_activismUn hommage durable et symbolique
Locale, drapeau de la France Planté en France dans le respect de l’écosystème local
history_eduCertificat de plantation

Faites livrer des fleurs à la famille de M. WARE

Bouquet de deuil Empathie
storefrontPartenariat avec un artisan fleuriste local
volunteer_activism0,50€ reversés à Alzheimer France par bouquet
local_shipping Livraison à l’adresse de votre choix


2 hommages ont été rendus dont 1 accompagné de fleurs

  • Il y a 3 mois
    Scott Stroud

  • Il y a 4 mois
    Judith Ware

    Cet hommage n'est visible que par la famille

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260 caractères maximum

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Philip Ware, beloved husband, father and grandfather, died on Saturday, September 14, 2024 in

Villefranche-de-Lauragais. Philip was born on October 21, 1942 in Dallas, Texas to Charles Raymond Ware and Cora Abigail Clements. His father worked for Sun Oil company and his mother worked for a time in a dress shop before staying home to raise her two boys.

Philip attended North Texas University and met his wife, Ruth Ernestine Winchester Ware in 1963 in Dallas. They relocated to Knoxville, Tennessee and then to Durham, North Carolina, before relocating to France in 2017 to be near their only daughter, Judith Winchester Ware.

Loved for his sense of humour and charm, Philip, had a career in insurance and as a professional bowler on the senior PBA tour. He always shared his kindness and good spirits with friends and family.

A memorial ceremony will take place on Wednesday, September 18th at noon in Villefrance-de-Lauragais.

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Exemple de livre hommage
Le livre hommage met à l'honneur les différents messages et photos partagés sur cet espace avec une mise en page élégante.
  • - Format 210 x 210mm sur papier 200 gr. et ½ semi-brillant
  • - Imprimé et façonné en France
  • - Livré via colissimo (nous attendons de réceptionner tous les hommages avant de produire le livre)
  • - Suivi du colis par SMS
Nombre d'exemplaires :
Prix TTC: 49,90€
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